The 1950’s season kicked off in early May playing 16 rounds, with a rather different club list to the present day GDFL.
It was a punishing season, with two Anakie players injured and unable to play out the season. It was during Robert Harvey’s first match that he broke his leg when tackled on the cricket pitch which in those years was not covered for the football season. The injuries sustained by Harvey and a separate injury to teammate John Holroyd, not only ended their seasons but also affected their work capabilities at the time the injuries effected their work capabilities. With Player Injury Insurance unheard of, in true Anakie style the club rallied behind both.
A fundraiser was adopted by the club called Subscriptions where monies where raised for the injured team mates, this photo taken off Clarkes Rd, Anakie which shows some of the players & locals cutting wood to raise much needed funds for their injured comrades.

The oval & rooms was not only the home of football, cricket & tennis. It was also a location for other groups to hire for events such as the local Rifle club shooting targets, church groups, sporting associations, workers clubs, junior schools and was usually always booked on any Sunday. The club continued over the years to work hard in financing their future by organising Local Dinner dances, rabbit drives & tree cutting which not only raised funds to operate the club but was a great benefit for the surrounding communities. When Anakie kicked up their heels they really meant it, In the 60’s the club had an idea to raise money by holding a Player Wedding Event held at the local hall. This tradition of dressing up was to be a popular annual event on the clubs social calendar

Peter Connell & Jeff Moore lift their skirts

Past President Noel Tucker & Past Secretary Ray Tucker reminisce over these years https://youtu.be/QRbcQ09k_8Q?t=2396

The cricket pitch was laid in 1947 which was matting prior to this date. The electricity was eventually connected to the pavilion in the mid 50’s with one light mounted on the centre of the original building to enable night training.

Ctr Row: G. Clarke (Timekeeper), A. Tucker (Trainer), R. Gilmore, M. Beggs, M. Satchell, T. Davis, J. Faull, N. Hill, S. Madden, A. McDonald, N. Trotter, N. Robertson, A. Walder (Gate Keeper). L. Armstrong (Selector).
Front Row: J. Osborne, R. Bell, N. Armstrong (Vice Capt), R. Tucker (Sec), K. Lowe (President), H. Glenister (Delegate), D. Giles (Capt/coach), D. Osborne, T. Beecroft.
Seated: R. Cooke, G. Trotter.
In 1960, the committee signed Noel Robertson (Pictured ctr right) as Capt/Coach for the amount of 5pd a week ($9.70), Noel had played for Geelong FC seconds for 2 years making it as close as emergency for the senior VFL side. During the 60’s they made it into a number of finals but never the grand final win until 1967, when Don Giles replaced Noel as Capt/coach. Noel is still our leading Best & Fairest winner with 7 awards during the decade he played. “I look back on my life memories of being at Anakie were my fondest, it was a most wonderful community” Noel lamented.
Over the years Locals & supporters self-funded the majority of the constructions to the reserve providing a resource that has been enjoyed by many. Activities
From the 1950’s til 1993, the club was within The Shire of Corio which supported and backed many of the club’s redevelopments. At the time of the council’s amalgamation the club choose The City of Greater Geelong over the Golden Plains Shire to be the current landowner
In 1971 Anakie fielded their first reserves side which has continued to this current day, Juniors were also introduced in the 70’s from the tireless efforts of the members.
3rd Extension 1987 2nd Extension 1981 Original building 1929

1981 Und15 Finalists

Ctr Row: J. Fanning (Coach) A. Tucker, M. Lloyd, S. Bates, N. Tucker (President), G. Mayer, G. Priddle, D. Campigli (Manager)
Front Row: R. Hearn, D. Anstee, S. Simons, D. Priddle (Capt), J. Walker (Vice capt), M. Spiller, P. Gavin, D. Spiller.
One of the many additions to the original pavilion was extended in 1981 and again in 1987 with the Len Moore room being added. The oval light towers recently replaced were initially erected in 1984. This photo was taken in 1986 with Liz Anstee pouring Bert Tucker a light refreshment

The club has always been renowned for great country food, club sandwiches, Crème puffs & sponges were always on hand made by the endeared volunteers. (Pictured below in the kitchen, Joyce Giacometti, Mrs West & June Moore)

Before it became known as the Hotty Burger, the infamous morsel joined the Roo ranks back in 1986. Life member, past player, publican and one of VicPol’s finest, Greg Moore, purchased the original BBQ from the St Kilda CIB evidence sales where he was stationed at the time. Little did he know this would be the start of an ongoing legacy.

Being one of the first clubs to sell burgers, Anakie were the talk of the football community. People would comment about ‘those Anakie hamburgers’, with game day sales well over 100 burgers a game.
The burger was a truly local affair, with the eggs donated from a local chicken farmer. While this was ideal, there was the sometime issue of not knowing when you were going to get a bad egg. There was always one or two that would slip through quality control and clear the line of customers as the sulfur bomb hit the hot plate.
As for the original burger patty, well they were homemade on the Friday night with a hamburger press lent from a butchers shop. In later years we got them ready made. They say the secret of the burgers success was in the combination of the patties and homemade coleslaw.
Over the decades players have recounted that the smell of onions would waft into the rooms whilst they prepared for the game. Not the ideal preparation but great advertising, with no trip to the Roo Den complete without devouring the famous burger.

Neil ‘Hotdog, Hotty’ Gillett aka The Burger King arrived at the club in 1995. He worked the hot plate like a pro and is the case with all great chefs, he didn’t mess with the menu. From time to time there was the occasional heathen who would ask for a slice of cheese on their burger. They were swifty informed that ‘these burgers don’t need cheese!!’ and sent on their way. It is from Neil that the burgers became known as Hotty Burgers, a moniker which remains today, some years after his passing.

After coming runners up in 1984, the Roos would go on to win the Premiership in division 2 the following year, the next season they were moved into Division 1 were they finished runners up
1985 Senior Side (Division 2)

Ctr Row: L. Anstee (Sec), K. Trotter(Runner), M. Hagebols, N. Hooper, D. Budak, D. Cook, A. Hagebols, D. Jennings, T. Cockerell, E. Dingey (Manager), N. Tucker (President) W. Evans (Treasurer).
Front Row: R. Priddle (Trainer), R. Lowe (trainer), T. Shaw, M. Carter, M. Lowe, I. Cockerell (Assist. Coach), W. Bunge (Capt/Coach), M. Skene, J. Moore, P. Connell, R. West (Trainer).

1995 GDFL Division 2 Reserve Grade Premiers

Middle Row: L. Anstee (Sec), P. Angelluci, R. Lowe (Trainer), M. Matthews, Noel Tucker (President), M. Trotter, K. Trotter, M. Westcombe, T. Hardy, M. Lloyd, J. Palladin, M. Lynch, W. Evans, M. Melkic, C. Hooper, I. Burns (Manager).
Front Row: R. Priddle (Trainer), P. Zanoni, J. Elmer, M. Skene, G. Moore, W. Moore (Vice Capt), R. McDonald (Coach), P. Cummins (Capt), G. Cummins, R. Flynn, D. Priddle, R. West (trainer)
Mascots: C. Moore, C Cummins, M. Hooper, P. West.

In 1989 both Seniors & Reserves played in the Grandfinals to finish runners up in Division 1.In the same year, Anakie’s Und14 Boys Division 3 won the Premiership.

Middle Row: S. Kent (Manager), M. Lloyd, J. Flynn (Capt), J. Spiller, D. Parker, P. Atkinson, P. Burns, P. Zanoni (Coach).
Front Row: P. Nichol, R. Anstee, S. McMhon, B. Beggs, T. Alford, A Bunting. Absent: R. Priddle & D. Priddle.